Industrial cooling

COOLtec Klimatisierung Industrie

Uniform airflow produces cost advantages

For industrial applications, the requirements for the product line of chillers are very different. Continuous operation and changing temperatures in manufacturing processes place the highest stress on the components and materials of the refrigeration circuit. Fail-safety through the installation of redundancy systems, exact control through high-quality microprocessors and precise manufacturing quality are the requirements of industrial companies for the production of equipment.

Thanks to state-of-the-art EC fans and pumps, the power of the directly and frictionless driven components can be designed as low as possible. The result is consistently stable operating conditions and greatly reduced energy costs.

Product information

Close Control UnitsPräzisionsklimagerät
Chilled water (CW) or direct expansion (DX)
Range: 6 - 240 kW

Chiller & Heat PumpsKaltwassererzeuger
Air or water cooled units
Range: 5 - 1400 kW

Dry Cooler and CondenserRückkühler
High-performance dry coolers and air-cooled condensers
Range: 10 - 1200 kW

Rental coolingMietkälte
Covers acute cooling requirements quickly and reliably
Range: 20 - 500 kW

Plate Heat ExchangerPlattenwärmetauscher
Gasketed plate heat exchanger
Available in 16 different sizes from DN32 to DN200.