Hotels & Commercial buildings

COOLtec Komfortklima für Hotels

Comfortable climate for customers and employees

Treat your customers, yourself and your employees to comfort air conditioning every day of the year in all open-foor office, group and individual offices. For your new commercial building COOLtec develops a  humanely refrigeration concept, which is fed by an environmentally friendly cold water system and enhances the air in the work areas with energy-efficient air-conditioning convectors.

Central energy stations in the form of chiller enable both the investor and the operator to have a flexible and operating cost-oriented system concept. Even in the event of changes in use, the performance or installation of the end devices can be easily adapted to the needs of new tenants or operators without great installation effort. Energy consumption can be assigned directly to the consumer and billed without excessive effort. In addition, minimization of noise emissions can be easily implemented through individual adaptation and design of the chillers.

In existing buildings or historic buildings, we provide a sustainably pleasant comfort climate for office work by retrofitting with split air-conditioning systems from the Italian company Ventilclima. Air-conditioning by air heat pump generates a turbulence- and allergen-free air flow that cools or heats the office rooms energy-efficiently as required.

Product information

Chiller & Heat Pumps Kaltwassererzeuger
Air or water cooled units
Range: 5 - 1400 kW

Dry Cooler & CondenserRückkühler
High-performance dry coolers and air-cooled condensers
Range: 10 - 1200 kW

Fan Coil UnitsFanCoil
Fan coil units, cassettes, wall units and ductable units
Range: 2 - 40 kW

Hygienic Fan Coil Units
Fan coils units according VDI6022
Range: 2 - 40 kW

Plate Heat ExchangerPlattenwärmetauscher

Gasketed plate heat exchanger
Available in 16 different sizes from DN32 to DN200.